The Vision
The Vision of the Kentucky District revolves around four God-inspired challenges. Encapsulated in each of these exciting challenges are elements that will inspire growth, both spiritually and numerically. By stretching ourselves to reach these initiatives, we will most certainly bring the Whole Gospel to the Whole World by the Whole Church. This vision will compel us to believe that every community and city within our district will hear this glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Generate a Culture of Prayer
Prayer is the building block of our relationship with God. By making prayer a priority in every activity and part of our district, God will be involved in everything we do. While men can create plans and programs to execute, God can take these to a level that is beyond our human expectations. This Culture of Prayer is the covering that is needed for the promised end-time revival. (Kentucky Network of Prayer)
Invest in Our Ministers
The Kentucky District believes in its ministers. Equipping today’s minister is an investment that will enhance the Kingdom of God. By planning events focused on ministers and their families, we will empower them to be more effective. Leadership seminars and ministers’ retreats will serve to further equip ministers for the tasks required in this post-modern world. How can they hear without a preacher? As we invest in ministers, we invest in the coming harvest!
Strengthen Our Churches
The local church is the basis for every work we do. The energy, manpower, and finances that come from the local church fuel all of our efforts. If our churches are strong, so will our endeavors will be strengthened. This can be accomplished in many ways. Our priority will be to strengthen the weak by coming together to assist each other. We will, through Apostolic based seminars and teaching, minister to the needs of our existing churches of all sizes. By strengthening our churches, the entire Kentucky District will become stronger and more effective for the cause of Christ.
Create A Climate of Growth
The Kentucky District is positioned in a rapidly growing area. Just as our population, cities, and communities grow, we should adopt an attitude of growth. While growth cannot be forced, it can be aided. Growth only occurs when the conditions are right. We must cultivate, plant, and water, but it is God who gives the increase. We will purposely focus on the Apostolic principles of growth. Together we can create this climate of growth by holding district and sectional level meetings where these principles are taught. This will increase every area of our district, including the number of churches and ministers.